The Smarter Schools National Partnership is a joint initiative of the Australian Government, the Queensland Government and Independent Schools Queensland (ISQ),
The Council of Australian Governments (COAG) has identified the achievement of the following five high-level outcomes as key to boosting Australia’s participation and productivity:
- all children are engaged in and benefitting from schooling;
- young people are meeting basic literacy and numeracy standards, and overall levels of literacy and numeracy achievement are improving;
- schooling promotes social inclusion and reduces the educational disadvantage of children, especially Indigenous children;
- Australian students excel by international standards; and
- young people make a successful transition from school to work and further study.
To help achieve these outcomes COAG has agreed to implement three Smarter Schools National Partnerships for:
- Low Socio-Economic Status School Communities
- Literacy and Numeracy
- Improving Teacher Quality
Gulf Christian College has become a target school for Literacy and Numeracy as well as being eligible for the National Partnership for Low Socio-Economic School Communities.
GCC will be concentrating on achieving the high level outcomes through 3 main REFORM areas:
- school operational initiatives which encourage innovation and flexibility;
- providing innovative and tailored learning opportunities;
- external partnerships with parents, other schools, businesses and communities and the provision of access to extended services.